Monday, June 16, 2008

great start!

It is 11:30pm... i may keep this short! But most likely not.

We had another great day. I am just SO AMAZED with this team of kids. At VBS this morning we had just under 90 kids, and then this afternoon another 30+. We thought the school we were going to was Catholic one, but it turns out to be a public school. What a great opportunity! The little kids were so excited to see us when our bus rolled on in... i cannot even describe it. The singing (in Spanish!) and the story time went great. Britni and Garrett both read the story of Joshua and crossing the Jordan river in SPANISH, so we didn't even have to have translators... amazing! All of our team joined in and really connected with the kids and were not shy at all to get in, play with them, and even try communicating. I was so impressed! Today, the outstanding award goes to Dave... I wish those of you who know him, could have seen him. I'll try post some pictures soon. He literally was mobbed by the kids, and loved it.

This between the morning VBS and afternoon VBS, we grabbed some lunch and helped move all the stuff from Chad and Emily's old place to the new place where they will be living when they come back this fall. Didn't seem like a huge deal for us as there are 16 people, but we have to believe it was a big help for them and the other missionaries to not have to do it themselves. What a joy it is to serve in all kinds of ways!

Tonight we went to a church were James teaches theology and Bible to local pastors on Monday evenings. However tonight instead of teaching, he had us share our testimonies and then several of the local pastors shared what God was doing in their lives as well. It was a powerful time. EVERYONE of our kids shared tonight... again I was so proud of them. I wish you could have heard what God is doing in each of them. I guess you'll just have to ask them when we get home!

Thank your for your continues prayers and your words of encouragement through comments on the blog! God is GOOD, ALL the time!


Dave said...

Thanks so much for keeping us informed of the trip. I am enjoying reading it all. What a great experience for all of you. Tell Dave and Kayla, that I am doing just fine, but the grass is getting longer everyday!(what should I do about that?) ha ha