Monday, June 23, 2008

day of REST

I think we all are grateful today that on the 7th day God rested... and intends for us to do the same! It's been a great week, full of many unique and wonderful opportunities.

Today, we were able to chill a bit... the hi temp never made it out of the 50's, which is freezing around here. People were bundled up, but still came to church! I was able to preach, Chad translated, and our team led in a lot of worship... both in English and Spanish!

After church we went to Juan, our bus drivers church, where the district youth had put together a bbq for us. We spent the afternoon playing volleyball, basketball, and teaching them "screaming ninjas".

Around 4 we came back to the guesthouse, put on some movies, took naps, and laid low.

Today we are spending our last day in Santa Cruz. We'll go visit the Santa Cruz Christian Learning Center, where Chad & Emily teach. Then hit up some last minute shopping. After lunch I think the boys are going to catch a movie in the Bolivian theater and the girls are going to get pedicures.

We leave for the airport at 6:30am tomorrow morning and HOPEFULLY we will be in Billings on Tuesday night! Please pray for safety as we travel and specifically that we are able to make our connection in Miami. We have a 2 hour layover... which normally seems long... but we have to get out of Bolivia on time (which is rare), then go through customs in Miami, get through the line for our tickets to fly to Billings, and work our way through security. Pray that lines are short and that we go through with no delays!

Thanks for all your prayers, support, and encouragement! It has been AMAZING for us here in Bolivia. We cannot wait to share it with you when we get home.


Jerry Wall said...

Hey Paul,
You may already know this, but compared to your printed itinerary that I saw in early June, United has changed the time of your MIA-DEN flight now have 20 minutes extra!...on the old itinerary you departed MIA at 5:40pm, but United now has flight 1583 departing at 5:59pm. They should start boarding the aircraft at 5:30pm in MIA. (And yes, that's United's last flight of the day from MIA to DEN)

It will all come down to whether the aircraft for AMERICAN 922 makes it on time from Miami to La Paz to Santa Cruz, so that you can get out of Santa Cruz in time for a 340pm arrival in MIA.

We'll pray.