Sunday, June 15, 2008


Wow, it seems as though we've already had a FULL experience and the ministry week has not even yet begun! Eye opening thus far to say the least.

This morning we traveled to the outskirts of down for church. Definitely a different experience from the "city". Church started pretty much when we walked in at 9:15ish and ended around 12:45... yep! Long services; I guess we should give Pastor Steve a little slack!!!

For us non-spanish speakers, it was a bit hard to track what was going on, but a good experience, to see what a Bolivian church service is like. Chad was the preacher today, and did a GREAT job (even though I have no idea what he said, as he gave the sermon in spanish).

After church we stayed and had an authentic lunch with the people there. The first course was chicken noodle soup... of which they let none go to waste... I was the blessed one to have the chicken foot in mine (yes, the claw and all!). Round two was rice, with more chicken (no feet this time), and freeze dried potatoes. Everyone did a good job of giving it there all to eat what was given to them!

This afternoon we headed to the "first ring" (basically downtown) to an open plaza where there were people set up selling everything from jewelry to blankets. Before leaving, we stopped at this Amazing ice cream shop. Huge portions that even put cold stone to shame... and all for less then $20.

For dinner we headed over to James and Jenny's home where they grilled up some hamburgers and we played Bunko! Most of the team had not played before... it was a riot. The kids are still so excited... I'm trying to convince them they need some sleep... we still have a full week ahead!

Tomorrow we begin our VBS, so please pray that goes well... that we are able to show the love of Jesus to the children and communicate God's Truth, despite our difference in language.


Again, don't forget you can leave your own comments for us an others to see by clicking the "comments" to the bottom right of each post.


Joshua Douglas Tryan said...

Paul -

Thanks so much for keeping us up to date with this blog, we look forward to reading it every night. I hope you are encouraged by all the people praying for TEAM BOLIVIA. Tell Josh to take lots of pictures!

Gordon & Wedensday tryan

Joshua Douglas Tryan said...

This is Amanda. I need to tell that mom is really worried that you are going to come back with no hair!!!!!
So don't CUT it!!!!
Love Amanda!

Joshua Douglas Tryan said...

hola lamo ma yana alyssa como esta dear my loving brother josh i have missed you so much i wrote you a song .here i am being glad that josh is is having fun i love you so very much it is painful with you gone have fun love alyssa p.s. my spanish is not that good yet wink wink love alyssa

Julie said...

Hey Erica - I chuckled (okay, actually laughed hard out loud) this morning at the thought of what your face would have looked like had your soup been the one with the claw! Your Uncle Steve and I are praying for you -- not only as you're there but also that an unquenchable fire would kindle in your soul. Have fun....and buy me something! XXX OOO -- Aunt Julie

millers said...

Hey guys--I was reading that post about the chicken foot and I almost retched. I'd be looking for a Taco John's if I were you! Don't they have nachos in Bolivia? Have fun at Bible school. You all have beautiful faces and they can see the joy that comes from our Lord even if those kids can't understand a word you say. Hugs are a universal language, too! :) Mrs. Miller

Julie said...

Erica - Steve said to tell you the deal he offered is still on the table. If you eat something like a chicken foot (claw) and have documentation, it's worth $2. I'll go as high as $10.....does it make the subway tile look any better?