Thursday, June 19, 2008


Today we spent the better part of the day at the butterfly factory... yes, that is right. There are several domes of butterflies which are just amazing... one even has a tall lookout tower to climb, where you can see the entire landscape of Santa Cruz. The also had several pools to swim in and a couple of small lakes we could take kayaks on... pretty much everyone ended up in the water at some point. Dave was even able to buy a fishing pole and spent the afternoon fishing. He didn't really catch any fish, but a monkey did come right up to him and stole the bate he was using!

At 3 we did VBS at a new location... we did not know what to expect, but ended up with over 100 kids there! Controlled Chaos is not just my theme for Junior High ministry, but for this trip as well. You can tell everyone is starting to get a bit more tired, but we are praying we all finish strong! It is amazing to think that we have had the opportunity to minister to nearly 300 kids during our time here! God is GOOD.

It's late and we are leaving early tomorrow for an orphanage, so that's it for today. I'm sure there are many many other stories to be told... but they will have to wait for another day.