Tuesday, June 17, 2008

the TUESDAY push

If you wondered what it looked like for DAVE to be mauled by a herd of kids, here's the picture!

VBS went really well today. The little kids were just as excited to see us again today, as they were yesterday. In the words of Kayla, "it feels so good to be so accepted... they really like us!"

For the craft today, we took polaroid pictures of each kid and glued it to a foam frame that they decorated. They LOVED having a picture of themselves they could keep.

Between the morning and afternoon vbs, we took sack lunches and went to the sand dunes to play for a while. We jumped off the hills, strapped on wake boards and rode the sand, and built sand castles (it was easy to see who the artists were, and who the engineers were!). On the way back, the bus actually got stuck in the sand... at that point we all piled out and pushed. Those are true missions trip experiences!

Tonight we were able to lay low, after eating dinner everyone showered to get the sand off. We then spent some time sharing with each other about how the week has gone thus far and the different thoughts we have about the trip. It is so much fun to spend time debriefing like this.

A few prayer requests...
*Everyone is starting to get a little tired. Pray for physical strength and for good sleep at night. Keep praying for good health for everyone as well!
** tomorrow our VBS story is about the resurrection, and we will be sharing the gospel. Pray that the kids would listen, and that we would be able to clearly explain the gospel.

Here are a few more pictures from the day!