Saturday, June 14, 2008

Day 2

Today we are off and running. It was great day to get settled in, get comfortable with the culture and meet some locals!

We spent the morning at the Fería, which is basically a huge market. We were able to purchase the final few things we needed for our VBS and let the kids do some shopping. It was fun to be in the middle of everything, seeing Bolivian culture!

The afternoon was spent preparing for the VBS we will be doing next week. On Monday - Wednesday we will do the VBS at a catholic school here in Santa Cruz. So there will be 120 little kids in the morning and about 80 in the afternoon. Then Thursday - Saturday we will do the VBS at a church on the outskirts of town.

Tonight, we took a walk down to the local Hipermaxi... pretty much a Bolivian WalMart! We made it back to the SAM compound around 6pm where we had pizza with some of the district youth workers. They knew about as much English as we know Spanish... but it was great being together. We sang some in English... they sang some in Spanish. We also shared testimonies. It was great getting to know them.

The day did start a bit early. The schedule had us eating at 9am, but the guest hosts here accidentally had everything ready by 8. Josh came out with his BIG hair and a few others strolled in with sleepies still in their eyes. But it was a great day!

P.S. If you want to leave your own comments on our blog, or drop a word of encouragement or prayer for our team or a specific team member, click the "comment" link at the bottom right of each post.


Jerry Wall said...


I really really love you and I really miss you! I hope you have a good time in Bolivia! I love ya and miss ya!


Jerry Wall said...

Erica and team,

We are so glad that you got there safe. We are praying for you each and everyday. We love getting to read your daily blog.

Erica we miss you and love you. Have a great time, this is a wonderful opportunity.

Love Mom and Dad