Sunday, June 22, 2008

don't worry, be happy

Chad and I were up late last night running through the sermon for this morning, and writing on the blog spaced my mind... sorry about that!

Yesterday was our last "ministry" day of the trip. It went superb, once again. We spent the morning over at Megumi (the orphanage) and got a lot more progress on building the storage area. The were so grateful for our team's joyfulness as we played and worked.

We did our final VBS and thought it would be a smaller group as the temperature was cool yesterday (which to the Bolivians means they stay inside). When we started there were only about 20 kids, but by the time we got half way into making the bead bracelets which shared the Gospel in colors, we were up to 80 or 90 kids! It is hard to know how many truly understood the message of the Gospel yesterday... but there were quite a few who "responded to the invitation", and we trust the the Holy Spirit was doing a work in many of them. The truth was shared and God takes it from there anyways!

We had dinner at James and Jenny's home last night, and then they shared with us their story of God leading them to becoming career missionaries, and to Bolivia in particular. It is so good for our team to hear what God has done in their lives, and how to discern God's will for each of us. Their prayer has been that God would be stirring in the life of someone on our team, and possibly even call one of them to full-time missions some day. Who knows what God has planned in the future!