Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Today we woke up to rain and french toast with scrambled eggs made by Carla and Mike.  The group was finally able to sleep and enjoy a nice breakfast together before heading to Bill and Amy's for a short bible study and to finish our work on the fence. 

 Yesterday we finished staining the fence and some of us were able to help set up for our first tent revival.  The revival consisted of some traditional navajo music and a sermon from a traveling navajo evangelist.  The message was shared in both english and navajo and was a fun experience for the group.  Tonight and Thursday night we will continue with the tent revival and hopefully be able to get to know more of the community. We will be setting up crafts and games to share with the navajo kids and families at the revival.

Our group has been busy and hard at work building the fence and has been working together well.  Each person has really stepped up and put forth tremendous efforts and a good attitude.  The boys are currently working on the final touches to the fence and then we will finish our afternoon by passing out invitations to the revival to families in the neighborhood.

Due to the lack of camera cord connections, our group is currently unable to provide any pictures from the trip...sorry! 

Thank you for your prayers!


Paul said...

today was the first day we haven't had rain in Billings. Glad to hear you are getting so much accomplished down there. What a great team! We miss you guys, but are glad you are able to making a kingdom difference down in New Mexico.

If you text me some pics I can upload them to the blog if you want.